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I have as you can see finally launched my own web site.

This has been on my list for years and I never got round to doing it simply because I had no idea of how I wanted it to look and I was too “busy”.

Than I met Emilie at UCAN and here we are! My website has been launched!

I hope you enjoy looking at the photos and that you get some inspiration from them.

I work with Pascal Pronnier for my photographs and I find him one of the best house photographers around.

We have worked together for 6-7 years and it is always a pleasure working with him. He also takes amazing “real life” photographs. See his website.

Many of my friends have asked me if the market has become more difficult because of the scary events taking place all over Europe.

Of course it has but luckily a lot of people have decided that they will not live in fear and they therefore continue as usual - buy, sell and renovate. The ones who decide to not come to the Riviera are fewer than expected.

Also the Riviera where I mainly work is one of the most beautiful places on earth and has been so for decades. My opinion is that as soon as someone says “it is the new Riviera” they are WRONG!

There is only one Riviera and that is here.

Where in the world can you find the beach on your doorstep and the Alps an hour and a half away?

I am very privileged to live and work in this beautiful corner of our world. (Which does not mean that I don’t work elsewhere as well because I do but I am talking about the Riviera in this article)

Somehow the lifestyle on the Cote d’Azur is a little bit less hectic and we live much more outdoors than most Europeans do.

Most french have their morning coffee and croissant in a little bakery in their village or next to their work, most of them lunch outside in the sun, dinner is enjoyed at home but 6 months of the year outside.

Weekends from end april til october you can spend on the beach and the rest of the year you can spend your weekends skiing.

If you are looking for quiet or you like the huzzle and buzzle it is all here. Cannes with it’s croisette and the rich and famous strolling around or the little villages like Mougins or Valbonne with their lovely small restaurants and brocantes.

Many of my clients have found treasures on the markets in the small villages and many of them spend the night watching the sea while having a delicious meal some of them even go partying.

They all have something in common though and that is that they love this area like I do. That is why they have bought properties here and have allowed me to be a part of their search or renovation or both.

I will stop this writing on the note of gratitude to all my clients who make it possible for me to live and work here. I am honoured to be part of your lives and hope I have helped you in the best way I could with creating your dream here.

Here a photo of the view of Cannes taken from a villa situated on the hill of Cannes.

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